Education loans typically cover tuition fees, living expenses, books, equipment, travel costs, and other educational-related expenses.
● An education loan, also known as a student loan, is a type of loan provided by banks or financial institutions to individuals for funding their higher education expenses.
● Education loans enable students or their parents to borrow funds to cover tuition fees, living expenses, books, equipment, and other educational-related costs.
● These loans typically have flexible repayment options tailored to the borrower's financial circumstances.
Eligibility criteria for education loans may vary among lenders, but common approximate criteria include:
Required documents for education loan applications generally include:
Education loans can be applied for through various channels:
Education loans typically cover tuition fees, living expenses, books, equipment, travel costs, and other educational-related expenses.
Yes, education loans are available for studying both in India and abroad. However, eligibility criteria and loan terms may vary for international education loans.
Repayment periods for education loans generally range from 5 to 15 years, allowing borrowers sufficient time to repay the loan after completing their education.
Some banks offer education loans without collateral for lower loan amounts. However, for higher loan amounts, collateral or a co-borrower may be required.
Under Section 80E of the Income Tax Act, borrowers can claim tax deductions on the interest paid on education loans for up to 8 years.